By becoming a member, you have the opportunity to work with other women to improve the social, cultural and physical needs in our community. In so doing, you will meet and make new friends, gain knowledge and experience, become a better citizen of community and have fun while doing so.
Our club meetings are very similar to those originally held in Mrs. Lowe’s home in 1895. A group of women coming together once a month, pledging allegiance to our Great Country, enjoying each other’s company while discussing the needs of the community.
Our Clubmeetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month, with the exception of April, July and August. Our monthly meetings focus on the needs in the Atlanta community through volunteer local service projects. We typically feature guest speakers from our sponsored charities who inform our members of the organization initiatives, as well as share their expertise and experiences.
The Atlanta Woman’s Club always welcomes guests at our meetings. If you are not a member, guests must be invited to attend a meeting by a current member. Membership is not granted until guests attend at least two monthly meetings, complete a membership application and are approved for membership by the existing membership. If you would like to attend a meeting or need additional information about GFWC Atlanta Woman’s Club, please contact Cimi Douglass at, our Membership Chair. The Atlanta Woman’s Club would be happy to provide you additional information or send you membership information. Specific questions will be directed to our always helpful Board of Directors.
As a member of the AWC, you will….
- Attend our Monthly General Luncheon – Join our other members as we meet monthly with keynote speakers to discuss the activities of our association and relevant topics affecting our community today.
- Receive our monthly AWC Newsletter – with current events that affect you and our local Club’s objectives.
- Receive Membership in the Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs – For more information about GFWC Georgia, please You have the option to receive the GFWC Georgia’s Bi-Annual Newsletter.
- Receive Membership in the General Federation of Women’s Clubs – For more information about our GFWC, please visit You have the option to receive the GFWC News & Notes weekly bulletin.
- Receive GFWC Clubwoman Magazine and the option to receive GFWC’s News & Notes email blasts.
Why Join?
- Give Back and Serve Your Community – Join our organization and work on worthy projects, donate foods to local food banks, provide assistance for adult literacy, assist less fortunate children obtain scholarships to the Tallulah Falls School, work to educate the community about conservation and much more.
- Develop new skills. Gaining skills, knowledge and expertise are common side effects of volunteering. Volunteering your timewill bringyou interesting and challenging opportunities that might not come along otherwise.
- Make social connections. Loneliness and boredom are common among retirees and transplants to a new city. Volunteering can relieve this sense of isolation and will help you fill the day.
- Develop and grow as a person. Volunteering is an excellent way to explore your likes and dislikes. Working with a variety of professionals with different skill sets can help you grow as a person. We believe great leaders serve others.
- Gain a new perspective. Life can be difficult for you and for others. Volunteering can offer a new perspective and you will see yourself in a whole new light.
- Know that you’re needed. Feeling needed and appreciated are important, and you may not get that appreciation from your paid work or home life where the things you do are expected or taken for granted. When you volunteer, you realize just how much you are truly needed.
- Boost your self-esteem. Many volunteers experience a sense of increased self-esteem and greater self-worth because they are giving back and lending their talents and time to others.
Much more can be accomplished when there are many working together in the same interest and belief than when trying to act as an individual.